I think I might be a little verklempt.
For a couple of weeks we’ve been under the impression that the Missile Command Center re-issue with COBRA Commander, COBRA Trooper, and COBRA Officer would be what we’d expect to see G.I. Joe related at ComicCon this year.
Not so fast, my friends.
Hasbro has stunned the fandom today by announcing a ComicCon exclusive boxed set diving headfirst into the IDW Revolutions storyline, unifying several of their properties across one action-packed crossover event.
It’s… pretty close to perfect. The overall format looks strongly influenced by recent Transformers/G.I. Joe Boxed Sets, which makes total sense, and makes it feel like those other sets were all building to this one blockbuster. A blockbuster featuring not just G.I. Joe and Transformers, but MASK, Action Man, Micronauts, Rom, and… FREAKING VISIONARIES.
VISIONARIES. In 1:18 scale. Well, Leoric, anyway.
As if that’s not cool enough, for the first time ever, Hasbro is taking this opportunity to give us the G.I. Joe: Renegades version of Roadblock, which officially completes the main core of the Renegades team from the animated series several years back.
Using a nice compliment of new tooling with their library of existing parts, they’ve put together a very nice looking set that has some great resemblance to the classic properties their emulating. This is really impressive looking stuff. The set includes the following:
- Jetfire
- Renegades Roadblock (!!!!)
- Matt Trakker fresh from IDW’s comic
- Action Man
- Dire Wraith
- Leoric from Visionaries (!!!!)
- Assorted miniature Micronauts
Oh, yeah… and RENEGADES ROADBLOCK in case anyone missed that.
Check out Entertainment Weekly for the full details and the images are mirrored below. Now excuse me while I go towel off.